April/May 2021 Newsletter




Lent / Easter Offering

We usually include a pre-addressed envelope for those wishing to make a special donation in honor of the Holy Season. Because of the enclosure of a pledge card, and other contribution requests in this newsletter, we are not adding that this year. Of course, we welcome any donations and trust they will bless you on your faith journey as they bless the whole church.
Checks can be sent to:
FCC Leicester,
P.O. Box 122,
Leicester, MA 01524-0122
with notation Easter offering.

One Great Hour of Sharing

One of 5 UCC offerings we take through the year. Envelopes are usually included in the worship order, and will be after worship.
If you are worshiping at home, please consider making a gift. Checks can be sent as above, with note “OGHS.” Thank you.

2021 UCC Membership Dues

Each church in the United Church of Christ is asked to contribute to the support of the Associations and Conferences of the denomination. Churches benefit from these connections in numerous ways, which are often highlighted in our newsletter in the UCC Connections section. This year we are part of a new Conference – the Southern New England Conference. The SNE has implemented a new way of determining and collecting church contributions, and as they/we transition to this new way, they ask that local churches contribute to the Conference the same amount as they did last year. We paid $20 per member last year. Previously, the Conference dues and Association dues were collected together, but this year they will be sent to different places. The Association amount we paid last year was $1.65 per member.

Our skilled and trusty treasurer Deb A will be able to sort out where to send what check from the church, and the bottom line is that church members can help us out by contributing their dues – $21.65 each. FCC commits to paying this amount whether or not we are reimbursed by individual members, and we have a line item for it in the budget. But your contribution helps a great deal and is in indication of your appreciation of our denominational connection. Please make checks payable to “First Congregational Church of Leicester”. Checks can be mailed to the church with note “membership dues.” If this poses a hardship for anyone, please contact Pastor Doreen. Perhaps you can make a partial contribution toward the dues, with the church subsidizing the rest. Also, people may want to contribute extra to help subsidize the dues for those who cannot pay. All contributions are tax deductible.

A Note from the Pastor

Grace and peace and love to you, dear Friends. I have a small case of spring fever as I anticipate the return of warm weather, of nature’s blooming and especially your return to in-person worship as you are vaccinated and safe to come. I’m not sure you will get this before our Easter worship where we celebrate the resurrection of Christ. I am hoping that we actually make it out of the long, trying journey of Lent that lasted the whole year and more since March 2020. We will need to stay masked for a little while longer as not everyone is vaccinated (and might not get vaccinated), and the trend on of infection is consistently and significantly reduced. But to see each other’s eyes that holds the twinkle of the smile beneath the mask, well won’t that be a blessing.

Remembering that Easter is a season and not just a day, it seems fitting to share more about resurrection in regard to the future of First Congregational Church of Leicester. Our moderator, Deb E, and I attended a Super Saturday workshop called Discerning Your Church’s Future Amidst the Challenge of Income and Membership Decline. We started a similar conversation last year just before the pandemic hit, and then put it all on hold as we dealt with the crisis in front of us. But I believe it is time to return to consideration of the challenges that face us beyond the pandemic.

The workshop offered questions for churches to discern more clearly how God is calling them. Are they being called to continue as an independent and freestanding congregation that is adapting to meet the spiritual and other needs of the community around it (a threshold church)? Or are they being called to consider a resurrection experience, dying to something new – perhaps a merger or perhaps a closing (a legacy church)? What do you imagine FCC will be like in five years… in ten? Both options – threshold and legacy, require thoughtful action, so I believe it is important to deliberate and move in one direction or another while we still have the resources (physical, energy, financial) to do so.

Questions of discernment included the goals of the church – stated or implied. Is the de facto goal to keep members contented or happy? How much focus is there on helping people to follow the way of Jesus, working for justice, working with community partners? How does our budget reflect our purpose? If more than 75% of the budget goes to staff and building maintenance, so that less than 25% goes to programs and mission / outreach, it is a threat to church vitality. Another question is about how many people have energy and a willingness to pour out their time, talent, and treasure to help the church realize its purpose? A threshold church requires twelve or more people committed beyond church attendance. If there are less than four, it is clearly a legacy church, but in between those numbers there is more room to think we are a threshold Church without actually become a threshold church. These were just a few of the questions, but I think they are enough for us to ponder for now.

The conversation resumed at our Council meeting on March 21, and it was agreed that we would take some time to discuss church future at each council meeting, which all are welcome to attend on Zoom. Once we can gather in-person, we will plan for a church-wide gathering to hear more perspectives and questions. If you would like to be notified of the next meeting (April 18) and receive the Zoom link, please let me know. These are big questions and big decisions. It might be that the Holy Spirit is using you to bring a particular insight, so I hope you will listen and share.

Blessings, Pastor Doreen

Stewardship Committee

“Ask, and it will be given to you” – Matthew 7:7

This past year has been a difficult year to say the least. However, our church is still carrying on. Our church is a significant part of the lives of so many people, and our ministries play such an important role in our community and the world. We know this is as important to you and your family as it is to so many others.

In this time of uncertainty, it is easy to let our fears dominate our minds. Making a pledge is one concrete act you can take to demonstrate that love can triumph over fear, that we can trust that God provides. We hope that you will give serious consideration this year to pledging, and that whatever you decide will be right for you on your spiritual path. We see pledging as a spiritual practice where the monetary amount is not as important as the commitment made. It is a commitment to think about the place of God and church in your life, and to consider how your spending reveals your values and your faith.

A pledge of any amount will be very much appreciated, but is not a condition of your participation in the church, nor for our affection, care and esteem for you. Whether you pledge or not, you are a beloved child of God, and you matter to this church, this Body of Christ.

When you have made your decision, please fill out the enclosed commitment card or pick one up at church and bring it to the Dedication Service on May 16. If you prefer to mail it, please mark it to the attention of “Stewardship”. All donations are confidential! * Please feel free to call me or Pastor Doreen with any questions you may have or if you would like to talk about your decision. May God bless you for all that you are and all that you do!
Ellie Latham 508-885-6021 Pastor Doreen 978-846-6498

*Amounts pledged are known only to Ellie. Payments made are known by Ron, the collector. Doreen
may be informed whether you pledged or not, but not the amounts.

Women’s Association


As the weather warms and people are vaccinated, we look forward to scheduling
a gathering. Details of when and where are still being worked out (maybe May 5), but we will be in touch soon. We miss you!

Prayer Concerns

For our beloved Ellen Orsi, who died at home in peace on Feb. 15; for a family and faith community in their grief.
For Carol’s grandson, Dean Paul, who was in a car accident. For children suffering with isolation-induced depression.