May 2015 Newsletter

Congregational Connections

Important datesChurch and Mission – Keeping Ours Alive!

At this time of year, as we plan our budget for the coming program year, we ask people to commit to giving in the year ahead to support our ministries. And though we are blessed by such support, we believe that you are even more blessed in the giving. Pledge time offers you the opportunity to reflect upon what the church means to you, on your commitment to it and to your faith, and on your wish to have this particular Body of Christ continue to bring the Good News to the people of this community, whether in new ways or by honoring long-standing traditions. There is a pledge card enclosed, and we ask that you prayerfully consider your contribution. There will be a blessing of the pledges on June 14.

On the pledge card, there is a line in which people can also pledge to Missions giving. Half the money pledged for Missions is given to the UCC Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM), which provides funding for Conference and national ministries of the United Church of Christ (Wider Church Ministries, Local Church Ministries, Justice and Witness Ministries, General Ministries, and Pension Boards). The other half goes to local charities as voted on by the Missions Committee. If you would like to be part of the discussion, you can join the Missions Committee or share your input with Mission members Cindy LaPointe, Deb Entwistle, and Ken Latham.

With thanks from the Stewardship Committee, Deb Entwistle and Ellie Latham

Confirmation Class?

I am considering faith formation options for 2015/2016. In addition to our adult bible study and book groups, I am would like to offer a Confirmation Class for All Ages. The class will explore what it means to be Christian, and how the vows made at Baptism play out in our lives. This class may lead to a ceremony of Confirmation for some, but even if you have already been confirmed and would just like to learn and reflect more about your faith, you are welcome. For those who have not yet been baptized, this may be a resource for exploring whether this is a step you want to take. There is no upper age limit for the class, and the lower age limit is flexible. If you think your child is able to engage in meaningful discussions about faith, s/he is welcome. I imagine approximately 8-10 sessions (commitment required) plus optional outings such as the UCC Youth Confirmation Retreat, Worcester Area Mission Society Overnight Mission Outing, Worcester Fellowship service, and/or Community Worship Suppers at FCC. Classes would be scheduled on Sunday late afternoon / evening – exact weeks and hours negotiable with interested parties. Please send me an e-mail or call if you are interested (978-846-6498 or I would need a commitment from at least 4 people by July 31 for this to move forward.
Thanks, Pastor Doreen

A Note from the Pastor

May the blessings of Easter continue to pour down on you as we continue the season of Easter through May, right up to Pentecost on May 24 (which should be a wonderful service led by deacons and guest preacher Len Ivel). It is such a relief to finally see almost all the snow gone, and the buds of new life begin to appear on the trees and bushes. And as much as we may love the season of Spring, we must be willing to let it go as we enter into summer, which we leave behind for fall, then winter once again. All of nature is a big lesson in learning to let go.

I have been thinking about the message of Jesus regarding what it means to love. It is not a feeling that controls us, but an action and a choice, one that ought to be freeing both to ourselves and to those we love. Whether the object of our love is a person, pet, place, or purpose; love is not best expressed by attempts to control and possess. I think it is important to distinguish between love and attachment, and to understand that we can love with detachment. Attachments, according to Buddhism, are the source of all suffering. But not so with love. The kind of love Christ calls us to asks us to seek to understand rather than be understood, to serve others with no expectation of reward, to appreciate without trying to possess, to respect that needs and desires of others may differ from our own, and that such differences are not an attack on us.

In our time with church consultant Betsy Waters, we talked about the things we love about the church – the people here, the beautiful building, the programs, the music, the worship, the history and traditions. And we talked about what it means to “be” church rather than just go to church. Betsy suggested that a focus on going to church, or getting others to go to our church, may interfere with our call from Christ to be the church. And if we want to answer that call more consciously, we may need to let go of some things. She asked us to consider the effectiveness of what we do in regards to answering Christ’s call.

I am now facing the need to let go of something that I have loved doing. In September, a worship team of Deb Entwistle, Ellie Latham and Carol Mulrain and I started an evening worship service, Share the Spirit. Our hope was to provide family-friendly worship that would engage those who had trouble getting to church on Sunday morning, or just wanted to share worship and faith formation activities with different generations in a style that was less formal and more participatory. Though we had a few families, couples and individual come and try it, few came more than twice; and the regular participants were people who come on Sunday mornings. The program did not do what we’d hoped it would do. It did not meet a need. And so we are letting it go. It was another program where the focus was on getting people to come to church, and, as Betsy suggested, it is likely that the needs of our neighbors are not best met that way. And I will not understand those needs any better by continuing in efforts that are not productive.

So I thank you for allowing us this experiment, and for the support of all those who came to worship with us, and who helped us set up. I especially thank Deb, Ellie and Carol for sharing their gifts and inspiration. It was a meaningful experience, made more so by your passion, dedication and open-mindedness. Bless you.
If any of you reading this note have an idea about how we can better share the Good News of God’s love and mercy with our neighbors, please shoot me an e-mail or give me a call. It may be the Holy Spirit working through you.

Peace and Love, Pastor Doreen

Stop Hinger Now                    Pickup Choir


Collector’s Report

Loose Offerings Envelopes/Pledges Special Totals

03-29 $ 77.36 $ 1,108.00 $ 62.00 $1,247.36
04-05 $186.00 $ 1,143.00 $ 52.00 $ 1,381.00
04-12 $ 92.00* $ 343.00 $ 435.00
04-19 $ 26.00 $ 668.00 $ 694.00
Totals $381.36 $3,262.00 $ 114.00 $3,757.36

Lent/Easter $40.00
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) $52.00
Stop Hunger Now $22.00
*Share the Spirit $5.00 (part of Loose Offerings)

In Our Prayers

Never underestimate the power of prayer. You are invited, as you read this, to add your prayers for those listed. Take a moment to breathe in God’s Spirit, and channel your good will and hopes to each person or situation named. You might imagine them surrounded by a healing light, or held in God’s hand. May this simple practice fill you with peace and hope.

– For the family of William Medina, Jr., a cousin of Lisa Laconto, who was killed in a car accident this week.
– For Carol’s friend Debby, that she find a way out of her situation and feel peace again.
– For Cynthia Rizzo’s friend Joan who is suffering from Alzheimers, and her husband John who devotes himself to her care.
– That God be with those that are having challenges with their relationships and health as they struggle to cope with the changes.
– For Ellie’s sister, Carol Ann, who is now home from the hospital and needs God’s comfort and healing from her pain.
– For all those suffering with addictions, homelessness, depression and loneliness. Let them know they are not alone and in our prayers and in the comfort of God’s Holy Spirit.
– For World Peace! Particularly here at home where there has been witness of police abuse of power against our brothers and sisters of color. May God in mercy hear our prayer.
– For Doreen’s parents in coping with some of the hardships of aging, and for her sister Teresa who would love the chance to face those challenges as she deals with treatment limitations for cancer.
– For Randy and Amanda as they work to overcome their own trauma to be good parents to their three beautiful daughters.
– For Steven, as he is held in jail awaiting trial – for patience and hope, healing and a just outcome.
– For this church as she adapts to changing times. May we remain open to the Holy Spirit working within and among us to share the good news with our neighbors in ways that bless them.
– For Lisa and Rejane on their wedding – many blessings.